So when it was time to decide a theme, b/c every kid's party needs a theme, I thought of the 2 things in the world that she loves: Elmo and the color Purple. Debating between the two themes was very simple. We didn't want her to know that there is a plethora of Elmo things out there in the world, so we picked purple. I decided to have everyone wear something purple and I would try and make as many purple foods as possible.
I asked our friend Gina to make a cake and I searched for some pictures to help give her an idea on what I wanted it to look like. And b/c of Francesca's egg allergy wanted it to be 2 layers, one for her (egg free) and the other for everyone else. So with that in mind Gina made an amazing cake for us
So our menu was: Purple potato soup, Coconut Pumpkin
Never could I have imagined what a great time we would have. Francesca, after she woke up had a great time.
Then the time came for her to blow out her candle. We brought the cake into the living room and sang
She had never rea
The best part about it was that she continued to talk about her party for weeks. She loved her purple party and would ask to have more purple party. Whenever she would want cake she asked for purple dots. When she talked about her party we would ask her "Who was at your purple party?" And it just depended on what mood she was in as to who she would say. Each time it could be someone new, but always someone who was at the party. I never could have imagined how much SHE would enjoy and remember her party.