She went to the Doctor for her 6th month check up and everything looks good. Her head jumped up to the 95th percentile, she weighted a little over 15.5 which puts her into the 25th percentile of weight. So she is carrying most of that weight in her big ol' head, we are hoping she grows into it like Dom and I did.


Dom's Mom came to stay and help me for a week. Dom got a few days off after fininshing his Intern year. We all went to the zoo where Francesca noticed the Sea Lions, Giraffe, Zebra, Baboons, & elephants. Everything else she just noticed the waterfall in the exhibit.
We then headed towards Tennessee for a family reunion weekend at my aunt's house. On the way we stopped at a State Park, Lake James, in the mountains and played at the lake. We first had a picnic and then headed to the swimming area. Francesca loved to crawl along the shore in the water and play/eat the sand.
Once in TN we went to the city pool Crystal took her down the slide. Francesca walked in her floaty all around the baby pool. We put her in her crab floaty and she could touch the bottom. This allowed her to walk through the water. She loved the freedom and the ablity to go anywhere. She even put up with her Nana torpedoing her underwater... several times. She is getting closer and closer to swimming. Missy hosted a great weekend. All of the Bass family was there to hang out and spend some a great weekend together. We all crammed into Missy's new house, I think around 20 people slept there on Sat. night. She got to visit with a ton of family and hardly touched the ground as there were always some hands waiting to hold her. The City of Alcoa has a great celebration for the fourth and sets off some great fireworks. Luckily we can see them all from Missy's yard. She liked the fireworks, but the finale did scare her a little bit. So all in all it was a great month. Now Dom gets to start year number two.

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