Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Mastering the basics

Its amazing how you can work on one thing for months and she will show no signs of picking it up or learning what it is. Then one day she has it! This past week has been Francesca's Ah ha week. She has started to wave goodbye and play Pat a Cake. We've been working for almost 3 months on both of these and overnight she started doing them.
Around 6 months I figured I should start teaching her goodbye, and waving. So whenever someone would talk to us in the store, or mall or anywhere I would always say 'bye bye' and wave my hand and then move hers. She never showed any signs that she got what I was doing or that she should be doing it back. And out of no where she has started waving. Now she doesn't do it 'every' time, but she does it a lot and knows when to do it.
And this weekend mom had her outside at Crystal's and she came back in and said that she had done Pat a cake. I didn't believe it at first because she had never clapped her hands together for me. But sure enough when you start to sing it, she starts clapping. She always enjoyed playing before and would giggle when we played, but she never clapped her hands together. Now she thinks it is the greatest thing ever and laughs when she does it.
So it has been a week of mastering skills.

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